Medicine currently finds itself at a crossroads: one might fear that the extraordinary development of its technicality, which enables its achievements, comes at the expense of its humanity. This book attempts to show how a human-centered medicine is possible by analyzing medicine as an encounter, a true face-to-face interaction between two individuals, a patient and a caregiver, in order to describe its uniqueness. It demonstrates how, within the conversation that this encounter allows, both parties can create a relationship of reciprocity in which they engage together while maintaining their personal identities.
Written by a physician, this book is a back-and-forth between philosophy and medicine. Starting from a medical question and wandering through various philosophical paths, it defines the conditions for a human practice of care. Thus, it aims to lay the foundations for a Medicine of the Person, a new paradigm that appears at the conclusion of this reflection as necessary for the emergence of a humane medicine.
This book seeks to establish its theory. It should interest all health professionals, both current and future, as well as the general public for whom health, and therefore medicine, has become a major societal issue.
Gérard Reach (Auteur)
Gérard Reach, professeur émérite à l’université Sorbonne Paris Nord et membre de l'Académie de médecine, est diabétologue. Il a publié notamment Pourquoi se soigne-t-on ? (2005), Une Théorie du soin, souci et amour face à la maladie (2010) et L’Inertie clinique, une critique de la raison médicale (2012). Ce nouveau livre est l’aboutissement d’une réflexion engagée il y a vingt ans.
Laurie Hurwitz (Traducteur)
Paru le 30/04/2025
ISBN : 9791037043061
Collection : Médecine humaine
Thématique : Sciences et techniques
Dimensions : 14 x 21 cm
Prix : 35,00 €
Pour une médecine humaine
Gérard Reach
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